History and Mission

In 1974, under the leadership of Robert S. Weeks and John A. Gregory, Calvary Christian School was founded as a ministry of Calvary Bible Church. Initially, only kindergarten through second grade was offered, and later, grades three through twelve were added. Enrollment has steadily increased over the years, resulting in ever-expanding academic, fine arts, and sports programs that provide a well-rounded education.
In February 2022, the South Carolina Association of Christian Schools recommended Calvary Christian School for accreditation after the school completed a rigorous self-review process.
Calvary is blessed to be celebrating its 50th anniversary during the 2023-2024 school year.

We believe there are three essential components for the successful education of the child. These three components are listed in order of responsibility to God for the training of godly men and women.
Parents – The God-given primary responsibility for the training and education of children is that of the parents. The success of a student at Calvary will be directly correlated with his parents’ faith in Christ as personal Savior and their commitment to honoring God’s Word in separating from the sinful practices and lifestyles of the unsaved world.
Church – Next in importance is the ministry of the local church in the life of the family. We strongly encourage every family to be committed, through attendance and participation, to a “Biblical” church. A “Biblical” church is a church that adheres to the fundamentals of the Christian faith and endeavors to keep itself pure from worldly practices and ecumenical movements (toleration of unbiblical teaching and practice).
School – Finally, and in proper order, is the school that the parents have chosen to help them with the education of their children. The school will never be able to stand in place of the parents or church. However, in proper order these three components play a stabilizing and strengthening role in the education and development of a child.
When these three are in agreement in philosophy, standards, and convictions, the outcome will be the development of men and women who are firmly grounded in Truth and able to function faithfully in the world around them. When there is inconsistency and disagreement in these three, there is a propensity toward disrespect for one of these authorities and may result in rebellion to authority in the life of the child.
Calvary Christian School is a ministry of Calvary Bible Church and is the extension of the Christian home. We believe there is a Biblical perspective for every academic discipline. We believe that true knowledge can be gained only as each discipline is taught and learned from the perspective of the principles of God’s Word.